This is the second video in a three-part collaboration with @Ania Kubów #JavaScriptGames and @Web Dev Simplified.
We are going to build the classic game Battleships.
– In the first video, Ania works out all of the single-player game logic.
– In this video, I will be adding to Ania’s code and working out the multiplayer game logic.
– Then, in the final video, Kyle at Web Dev Simplified will style it and add awesome animations.
In this video we will:
– Setup a Node.js server with Express
– Configure on the server and client-side to relay gameplay.
– Deploy the game to Heroku.
Be sure to go to Ania’s channel to watch the first video if you haven’t already. Then watch the next video in the series to see the completed, styled game.
Part 1: Ania Kubow:
Part 3: Web Dev Simplified:
Starting Code:
Ending Code:
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Mohammad Minhaz Iftekhar
18.07.2023Where is the first part?
Lakshay Gosain
17.07.2023HI Ania's video tutorial for this is missing. any reason why?
Alexis Rodriguez
17.07.2023I can't see the first part, the video is private
Abod Alkadour
17.07.2023I've tried to do what you do, but when i close it and try to complete it in another time it doesn't work nothing work but the port code, plz answer me asap
Web Dev
30.05.2022First one here…
I've been following your beautiful job for a long time.
You are an inspiration for me.
I created my own channel inspired by what I learned from you and other great Youtubers like you.
Daniel Jeffery
30.05.2022Is there a part 1 to this?
Code with Ania Kubów
30.05.2022Such a fun project! Can't believe it's finally out!
30.05.2022What Vs code theme are you using. Looks so calm
Squi'rell 42K
30.05.2022This is a really awesome collaboration! My coding skills are not at this level yet ( I just started learning from zero knowledge about 7 weeks ago) but I can't wait to revisit this when I have a better understanding of the fundamentals. After a day of wanting to rip my hair out yesterday, watching these 3 vids is inspiring me to keep at it. It's a lot easier to go back to learning the basics when there are videos like this out there to show what those skills can create after enough time and practice. Very awesome stuff thank you all!
Nakul Singh
30.05.2022Web avengers assemble.
30.05.2022This is a great idea. Can't wait to get started on this project, Ill be back once i've finished the first part!
30.05.2022a couple improvements:
– track game state and handle game logic by the server, not the clients. this lets you verify client actions
– split the code in multiple files. after a while it gets very confusing and really hard to follow
Bibek Dhami
30.05.2022It would be helpful if you make a video about web assembly
Mg Myo
30.05.2022Nice project love it
Rakesh Rakesh
30.05.2022After a long time i saw your face 😄😅
28.05.2022This is awesome haha! 😝
The Epic Speedcuber
28.05.2022How would you make it so that when there are over two players wanting to play multiplayer, it will not say the server is full, but let them go into another game with another player.
Wally Atkins
28.05.2022I find your lack of semicolons disturbing
NepalCode TV
28.05.2022more on node and socketio with react will be awesome not a chat app( notification, crud) maybe.. Great Content
Código de Sênior
28.05.2022you speak very well, i am from Brazil and can understand you! +1 sub 🙂
Claudio Estevez
28.05.2022When you said you were going to make changes to the original code followed by lights flicking and thunder (0:23), I thought for a fraction of a second you were joking. XD
28.05.2022Fixed: in Powershell, while in the directory of the project, just type "npm init -y"
Failing at the first hurdle, I use VS Community and viewing terminal loads a PS terminal which then vanishes. I realise terminals quit, but his doesn't. Anyone know how I can fix this?
So I downloaded Code instead, still have a problem as it's powershell, and this is bash. I have no idea how to progress from here using a Windows machine.
Christian Pezzin
28.05.2022The domain is up for sale now… maybe you should update the video somehow. Thanks 🙂