Talk recording from GoDays Berlin 2020 ()
This recordings is sponsored by Cloudical ()

» Lecture title: Building a multiplayer game server in Go and Webassembly
» Speaker: Arne Wieding

The talk discusses the functionalities of Triebwerk, an experimental Go multiplayer game server that I have developed for the browser game , which is a side project of mine (still in development). Video of the game and multiplayer techniques used:

The talk details the implementation of the server in Golang. To achieve that It first illustrates the basics of multiplayer game development in regards to networking and latency compensation techniques. It then briefly goes over the overall architecture of the game server and the algorithms for player movement, collision and hit detection and their implementation in Go
In addition, the talk details how to reuse the core game logic written in Go as a Webassembly module in the Javascript client of the game, using the latest WebAssembly features of Go v1.13. The usage of WebAssembly enables the use of the same code on the server and on the client, which allows Go to replace Node.Js for similar use cases.

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